Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A memory from Jeff -

Jane was home for a few days when I noticed that it was quiet in the house, Jeff was outside playing and Jane was no where to be found. I walked over to Mary Ann's to see if she had gone over there, she didn't so I kept looking to see where she may have gone. Steve got in the car and started driving around the neighborhood, Jeff noticed that my bike was gone. Jane had taken my bike and disappeared! Mary and I were talking about where she might go and we both came up with the same thought at the same time. The Cemetery! Thank goodness we didn't live too far from there and the traffic in Eagle Grove was minimal at best, Steve took off and caught up with her at the outskirts of town. He rolled down the window and told her to get back home or she was going to be grounded for life!! (It worked for Jeff) She just looked at him with her little smile and said "NOOOOOO", she had a way of saying no with a little laugh in the middle. Steve loaded her up in the car and took her to the cemetery so she could see that nothing had changed. What a little imp.

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