Sunday, April 27, 2008

We are coming to an end of Jane's month-

Jane loved birthdays - this one is for Artie, from left to right we have Cindy & Diane, Jane, JoEllen and Artie. It is Artie's birthday, but Jane thought she was the only one who should have a birthday. She wanted to be independent, so of course that involved money and Pop thought she should have a couple of dollar bills (pennies in Jane language) to help her reach that goal. So when we celebrated Jane's birthday, celebrated Christmas or any other holiday, Jane would receive cards with "Pennies" in and she was absolutely ecstatic. Give her a $5 bill, she would turn her nose up; but give her 5 ones and you were her best friend for ever!!!! And when the "pennies" were gone she was "brokee".

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